Miscellanea Rusticana

Nothing rustic about it, actually, since I'm now in New York. But:

  • The brilliant Melissa Anelli and I had a doubly brilliant idea for the director of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: Joss Whedon. Actually, they should remake all the HP movies under the scriptwriting and directorship of Joss Whedon. The only problem with this is that it would keep Joss from creating/directing original material, and he needs to do that too. So obviously what he really needs is a Time-Turner so he can do all of this at once. He can have one, and JKR can have one so she can write book seven now and care for her baby too, and Howard Dean can have one so he can raise twice as much money as the Republicans . . . any other nominees?
  • Also, Leaky has started doing a hourlong "Pottercast" on sundry HP topics, and Melissa has what may be the best HP LJ icon I've ever seen up on her Journal right now.
  • The promised link to contribute to my goal for the Race for the Cure: Click here and follow the directions. It is hard to express appreciation without devolving into cliche, but I offer my most honest and generous thanks here to anyone who chooses to donate (or to run the race with me): Thank you, very much.
  • I turned a novel that I had been editing for almost two years (on and off) into production today: the long-ago-aforementioned Valley of the Wolves. Well, one of the years was off, truly, because I was working on The Legend of the Wandering King instead (by the same author) as we chose to publish that first . . . but altogether this project has been around as long as I've been a full-fledged editor, and having it gone is almost dizzying with the freedom and the accomplishment of finishing.
  • My sister has decided that she wants to get married not a year and a half or two years from now -- no, she wants to be married next July. Nights in green satin, here I come.
  • "There is more to this thing of love than meets the eye. I am going to have to think about this a great deal but I don't think it will get me anywhere. I think maybe they're all right when they say there are some things I won't know anything about until I'm older. But if it makes you like to eat all kinds of wurst I'm not sure I'm going to like this. "
    -- Harriet M. Welsch, in Harriet the Spy, by Louise Fitzhugh
  • To bed with me. Good wishes and good nights (or good mornings) to all of you.