Living the Dream

So you're a phenomenally successful bestselling author. You have the miniseries, the homes in San Francisco and Paris, the listing in the Guinness Book of World Records, the honors from the French government, the series of moralistic children's books, even the art gallery. But you know what you could have that no other author could share?

You, the fragrance, with the tagline "Believe in happy endings."

(The copy says its notes include "Mandarin, Butterfly Jasmine, Hydroponic Rose, Cashmere Musk," and "Lush Green Notes," which I'm guessing are dollar bills. Notes in "Editor: The Fragrance" would include "A Half-Eaten Ham Sandwich, Eraser Leavings, Rubber Bands, and Blue Ink.")

Well, good for her. Coincidentally, this is my favorite piece of copywriting I've seen of late, from a Literary Guild listing for one of this author's books:

"Imagine you're doing volunteer work in Africa, and you fall in love with another volunteer, but you can't pursue any romance with him because you're secretly the princess of Liechtenstein."

Oh, man, I hate it when that happens!

Finally, I'm not going to comment on how this video came to be. I'm just going to say I had nothing to do with Tuesday's announcement, nothing, nothing at all. . . .