Saturday Liveblogging, Part III

If David Attenborough were filming me for a documentary about the children's book editor in her natural habitat, the last two hours would have been rather more entertaining than the first. I put away books. I packaged manuscripts and took them down to the mailroom. (The new carpet is looking very nice.) I wrote a reject letter. I cleared off some projects that had been sitting on my IN chair for some time. I have not been doing anything very important or essential; but it's the little things that make one have a slightly clearer head, so the big things can then be tackled with more energy and hope. On Monday.

I found a Post-It that I used to have stuck to my computer monitor and stuck it back on. It said simply "Waldeinkamseit -- forest solitude" -- a beautiful German word for a lovely feeling.

Other things on top of or attached to my computer monitor:
  • A Chinese good-luck cat giving me the "CAT POWER!" sign
  • A McDonald's toy of a hippie bus (from the movie "Cars") that Lisa Yee sent me
  • A small silver U-shaped vase
  • A picture of the Tooth Fairy drawn by Ross Collins

And a series of Post-Its:

  • Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. -- Winston Churchill
  • My courage always rises with every attempt to intimidate me.
  • DOES YOUR P&L HAVE A ROYALTY? [I always forget to add in the royalty in our P&L program and have to fix it]
  • i.e. -- That is, in other words; e.g. -- for example (no etc. @ end)
  • lie, lay, have lain; lay, laid, have laid. Lay takes an object.
  • (a note on a story to be written about meeting Death)

And another series of Post-Its stuck to the side noting books I want to read:

  • Mark Francisco Bozzuti-Jones [an author]
  • Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality
  • Two Eggs, Please by Betsy Levin and Sarah Weeks [Jill recommended this when I was thinking about picture books a few months ago]
  • Cross-X: A Turbulent, Triumphant Season with an Inner-City Debate Squad, by Joe Miller
  • Thy Kingdom Come by Randall Balmer

Rachel is now sitting in my office, in my reading chair, going over the copyedits for our spring 2008 book with Ross. The workmen have gone home.

And actually, Rachel and I have just decided to leave as well and go get pedicures. Red toenails, here I come.

Happy weekend, all!