
I am not posting a lot this month because there is not a lot of stuff to report, useful or otherwise. Working. Finished A Prayer for Owen Meany, which I found nonplussing, and Forever, which was fascinating to me as a historical document but less so as fiction. Bought my first-ever item off eBay, a pretty patchwork purse; and two pairs of designer jeans from Loehmann's (love Loehmann's) and a new duvet cover for when it gets cold. Loved "Superbad." Ran today for the first time in two weeks. Writing my sermon for next Sunday, which keeps shooting off in new directions when it needs to stay under ten minutes, and which I hope is not merely words, words, words.

The best things I've eaten recently: sweet Italian sausage cooked with chunks of Granny Smith apples, which turned soft and hot, perfect with the meat. And Cones tiramisu gelato.