And More Appearances!

Another one this month and one in November: On the 28th, I'll be on the bloggers' panel for SLJ's "Day of Dialog 2009" in conjunction with BEA. My brilliant fellow panelists are Liz Burns (A Chair, A Fireplace, and a Tea Cozy), Laura Lutz (Pinot and Prose), and Libba Bray (A Great and Terrible Beauty), all moderated by my friend and yours Betsy Bird; and rumor has it there will be quite the shoe-off (which means I desperately need to go shopping, because, besides the magic shoes, everything I own is as practical and boring as a DVR manual). 9:15 a.m. at the Brooklyn Public Library. Free, and there will be muffins -- can you really ask for anything more?

Oh, and Betsy and I will be hosting a special BEA Kidlit Drink Night on Friday night, at a place to be decided . . . um, once I e-mail Betsy back. But it will definitely be Friday, May 29.

Then, from November 6-8, I'm going to be one of the featured speakers at the SCBWI Western Washington Professional Retreat. I hear marvelous things about this chapter and the location of the retreat looks a-maz-ing, so it ought to be a good time. (I'll also be at the Midsouth Fall Conference in Nashville from September 25-27 -- a scant three days after my 31st birthday, so maybe I'll have to work something special into my presentation for that.)