Happy Birthday to Me, and Happy My-Birthday to You!

I have always believed birthdays are days for sleeping late, hanging out with your Favorite People on Earth, eating delicious food, and all other manner of self-indulgence (including this post, in fact). But upon further consideration, I don't think the self-indulgence should end with me; and as the all-powerful Birthday Girl, I grant permission to all of you to eat an extra piece of chocolate, read an extra chapter in that delicious novel, spend an extra half-hour basking in the sun -- in general, do a little something extra of whatever it is you like best. It's on me.

Enjoy the day!

Missing: One Brain.

Soft, pink, moist, with wrinkly bits and a large label that reads "C. KLEIN, PROPRIETRESS." Lost somewhere between Oxford, England and Newark International Airport, likely as a result of too little sleep and too much tromping, talking, fresh air, tea, beer, McVitie's, reading, and general happiness, not too mention air travel and time zones. Results of loss: inability to walk in a straight line, talk in a straight sentence, or think in a straight fashion (not that there's anything wrong with that). Now seeking it out in deepest slumber; more to follow when the missing object has been restored to me. Cheerio.

A Book Emergency Averted

I'm in England now, having jaunted across last night in order to visit my best friend Katy at Oxford, celebrate the completion of her doctoral dissertation ("Felix Fabri and His Audiences: the Pilgrimage Writings of a Dominican Preacher in Late-Medieval Germany"), and meet her charming anarchist fiance Josh. Last night at the airport I realized I hadn't packed properly for the trip -- by which I mean that of the four books I brought with me, I hadn't brought one I was really eager to read, something that would help me survive the many traveling hours ahead; nor could I come up with an appropriate title that might fit the bill. Then I thought "Oh! The Sea of Monsters!" and virtually ran to the airport bookstore to see if I could secure it (the sequel to The Lightning Thief). No such luck, but I did spy Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, which I knew Katy hadn't read; so I bought the paperback, reread it myself on the plane (practically purring with pure prose pleasure -- glory, I love Susanna Clarke's writing*), and gave it to Katy with her congratulations-on-finishing-your-thesis gifts this afternoon. And now I'm here and I can raid her bookshelves* for the next five days. Hurrah!
* And per the ad in the back, she has a short-story collection coming out this fall! The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories, Sept. 2006.
** This likely includes a reread of Gaudy Night at some point, given that Oxford always puts me in the mood for it and I got to visit a real SCR this afternoon.

Children's Books and Grown-Up Drinks

All of y'all are cordially invited to the first-ever New York City Children's Books Bloggers' Drinks Night on Thursday, September 28, 2006. The fun starts at 6 p.m. at Sweet and Vicious at 5 Spring Street, between Elizabeth St. and the Bowery here in Soho. The idea for the drinks night originated with my friend Jill, who like all right-thinking children's-book lovers is a fan of fusenumber8; she suggested Betsy and I plan a get-together for the kidlit blogging community, and darned if we didn't think that was a brilliant idea.

So come writers and illustrators, bloggers and blog-readers, agents, editors, and marketers, children's-books lovers one and all! We'll discuss pressing children's- and YA-literature issues like "Edward Tulane: Christ figure or beleaguered bunny?", the casting for The Golden Compass movie, "What's the best thing you've read recently?", and of course a healthy dose of juicy gossip. I'm personally hoping a few of Betsy's Hot Men of Children's Literature make an appearance.

Book bloggers: Feel free to share this on your feeds, and of course please come if you can. (We'll all have to wear our URLs on nametags or something.) Hope to see you there!

September 11 Again

(taken near 3rd Avenue and DeGraw Street, Brooklyn, New York, Saturday, Sept. 9, 2006)

If you're interested in my opinion about the politics of 9/11, you can read what I wrote last year. But when it comes down to what it means personally, what we should take away from it five years on, my friend Hiro said it best:

On this 5th year anniversary, I want to remind myself and those around me of what 9.11 really taught us -- to be human and care about others. That little things do not matter, and we are fortunate to be alive. That others' suffering, no matter who they are, hurts us. That we can, without shame or embarrassment, be nice and kind to strangers. That despite all that has happened, and all that is going on, we can still be happy.

I hope that this reaches you in good health, and that you and your loved ones are safe and happy.

That would be my prayer in the wall today, for all of us, in New York and everywhere.

FAQ #3: Do you prefer manuscripts loose-leaf, stapled, or paper-clipped?

(asked yesterday over e-mail by Nilina Mason-Campbell, and answered so quickly because it's easy for once)

Picture book manuscripts should be paper-clipped. Novels should come loose-leaf, as hopefully I'll want to copy it to share it with other people; but if the manuscript arrives in a box or a folder, it stands a good chance of being read more quickly, as 1) it will stand out on my manuscript rack and 2) because it's more easily transportable, I can grab it on my way out of the office to read on the subway or at home. (It will also likely be returned to you in better condition if it comes in a box or folder -- I'm physically hard on manuscripts, I'm afraid.)

Fighting the Good Fight

The next time you happen to be drinking a Budweiser, Bud Light, or some other product of the Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc., look carefully at the ingredients label on back. Does it bear the unfortunately-punctuated proclamation "One of the World's Largest Recycler's"? If so, stand up for the rights of apostrophes everywhere, and call 1-800-DIAL-BUD to tell Busch that the company must correct its packaging immediately. The operator will be perfectly polite to you; you may even suspect him of being amused. But the number's right there, they're asking for your input, and you will have done your part for Truth, Justice, and the Strunk and White Way. Thank you.


I discovered this regrettable error at yesterday's Mets-Dodgers game -- a beautiful night at a beautiful ballpark, with Ben, Melissa, and Serge. The Amazin's sadly went down 5-0, but the two guys behind us kept us laughing all evening. Their two best lines of the night:
  • To Lastings Milledge: "Don't make me bench you in my video game!"
  • To a fan on the JumboTron who was unable to define 'didgeridoo': "Welcome to Loserville! Population: You."

Special Offer for "The Pain and the Itch" Tickets

A nice thing that happened this week: After I posted my review of "The Pain and the Itch" below, the good people of Playwrights Horizons e-mailed to ask if I'd be interested in sharing a special ticket offer for the show on my blog. Well, I love discounts and I really loved the play, so this seems like a great deal for all involved! The press release is below, with the discount information at bottom. See it and laugh/gasp/weep.

A blistering new comedy by BRUCE NORRIS
Directed by ANNA D. SHAPIRO

Now through October 8
Playwrights Horizons Mainstage Theater
416 West 42nd Street between 9th & 10th Avenues

In this “massively entertaining” (Time Out Chicago) new play, one privileged family’s average Thanksgiving unravels into an exposé of disastrous choices and less-than-altruistic motives when their four year-old daughter begins displaying some alarming symptoms. A controversial hit at Chicago’s Steppenwolf Theatre, "The Pain and the Itch" takes dead aim at liberal America, presenting a hysterically funny, all-too-rare look at our world, our times, and ourselves.

The cast includes Mia Barron, Aya Cash, Peter Jay Fernandez, Ada-Marie L. Gutierrez, Jayne Houdyshell (Tony nomination, Well), Vivien Kells, Reg Rogers (Tony nomination, Holiday; Bach at Leipzig), and Obie Award winner Christopher Evan Welch (Romance; Festen).

Discount: Order by Sept 26, and tickets are $40 (reg. $65) for performances through September 17; and $47 (reg. $65) for performances September 19-October 8. Limit 4 tickets per order. Subject to availability.

How to order (mention code “PABL” to receive discount):
  • Online: www.playwrightshorizons.org
  • Phone: call Ticket Central at (212) 279-4200 (Noon-8pm daily)
  • In person: Ticket Central, 416 West 42nd Street between 9th & 10th Avenues

Finally: Bait and Switch

(Can you tell I'm putting off doing work this evening?)

Besides the fact that you can spy bestselling authors in search of caffeine*, another wonderful thing about living in Park Slope is that people frequently leave books, movies, music, knickknacks, clothes, furniture, and other possessions they no longer wish to possess on the sidewalk for anyone to take. I picked up two CDs from a box on 8th Ave. on Monday: A) the Tracy Chapman Collection, with the classic "Fast Car" and "Give Me One Reason" and B) the 2004 Grammy nominees CD, featuring OutKast's "The Way You Move," Fountains of Wayne's "Stacy's Mom," Eminem's "Lose Yourself," and Beyonce's "Crazy in Love" (another great running song that I've long meant to download and yet have been too lazy to get off iTunes).

Imagine my disappointment, then, when I opened the CD cases to find A) U2's "All That You Can't Leave Behind" and B) a big ol' wad o' nuthin'. I already own the first and don't need the second, so in the spirit of sharing the wealth: If you'd like a free U2 CD, or some nuthin', leave me a comment, and you can have your choice of incorrect CD cases to go with it.
* They also draw on the sidewalk: I was once walking down a side street and saw Mo Willems sketching out some familiar eyes. "It's the Pigeon!" I cried. "You know the Pigeon?" he said. "I love the Pigeon!" I said. End of dialogue. (Knuffle Bunny is set in Park Slope.)

"When I Met My Muse," by William Stafford

I glanced at her and took my glasses
off—they were still singing. They buzzed
like a locust on the coffee table and then
ceased. Her voice belled forth, and the
sunlight bent. I felt the ceiling arch, and
knew that nails up there took a new grip
on whatever they touched. "I am your own
way of looking at things," she said. "When
you allow me to live with you, every
glance at the world around you will be
a sort of salvation." And I took her hand.

Recommendations and Announcements


  • "The Pain and the Itch" by Bruce Norris is the best new play I've seen this year -- and possibly these several years, it's that good. As the action opens, an upper-middle-class white couple, Kelly and Clay, try to explain their disastrous Thanksgiving dinner to a visiting Pakistani man. Besides the usual Thanksgiving family tensions (a marriage on the verge of implosion; the overindulgent grandma; Clay's caustic, successful brother; the brother's immigrant girlfriend), they've discovered a mysterious bite in a whole avocado, and their treasured four-year-old daughter Kayla has developed an ominous rash. What are the causes of these two mysteries, and what does the Pakistani man have to do with the story? The answers are painful, surprising, and bitterly funny, and the action and dialogue sharp and well-observed -- Jane Austen in BoBoLand. I especially admired the thematic and linguistic construction of the play; listen for the use of the word "listen," and then watch who actually does it. At Playwrights Horizons through October 8.
  • A great new culture blog: Listen Read Watch, by a writer named Linda Holmes. I discovered Linda's writing many years ago when she wrote an Internet column called "Ms. Linda's Is-It-Worth-It Movie Reviews"; she has a judicious eye and a lively, funny voice, and she loves well-done romantic comedies as much as I do (a rare feature in movie reviewers, who tend to 1) be male and 2) take the genre for granted). She's now writing about TV, books and music as well as movies; very much worth checking out.
  • Songs of the moment (well, they all came out a couple years ago, but they're now in my moment): "Happiness Writes White" by Harvey Danger (recommended by Ms. Linda; complete album available for free legal download here); "I'll Miss You Till I Meet You" by Dar Williams; and "Jesus Walks" by Kanye West. The first is a wonderful song about being happy in love ("I tried to put it into words, but the words just sound like mistakes/I tried to find a set of chords, but you know how long that takes me"); the second is a sweetly melancholy song about waiting for that to happen; and the third is a perfect running song, entertaining, thought-provoking, and beat-heavy in equal measure.
  • I mentioned both these books in passing, but they bear rementioning: I LOVED The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan and Tooth and Claw by Jo Walton. I also admired (but didn't quite love) An Abundance of Katherines by John Green.
  • Currently reading: Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry; The Sound on the Page by Ben Yagoda; The Silver Chair by C. S. Lewis. For those of you just tuning in now, I've been reading the Chronicles of Narnia for the first time this year, starting with The Lion, the Witch book and movie in January and moving slowly through the rest of the series (slowly because I read the books only at bedtime, and then I have to be in the right mood to read them and not something else). It took me several months to finish The Voyage of the Dawn Treader because I found Eustace so repugnant at the beginning -- or more accurately, because I felt personally attacked by Lewis because Eustace was so repugnant at the beginning: His parents are liberal vegetarian pacifists, and Lewis holds these values up as the implicit cause of all of Eustace's selfish, spoiled behavior. Once they got out into the islands, and particularly once Eustace had his dragon misadventure, I found it much more bearable, and the expedition to the World's End was beautifully imagined and thrilling. Still, I have to say, I'm looking forward to being done with Narnia.


  • For those who live in the 11th Congressional District of Brooklyn -- that is, those who have been getting endless flyers from Carl Andrews, Chris Owens, David Yassky, and Yvette Clarke -- there will be a Congressional Candidate Forum where we can actually hear from all these people on Wednesday, September 6, at 7 p.m. at Congregation Beth Elohim at 8th Ave. and Garfield Place in Park Slope.
  • If you would like to sponsor or participate in the NYC Susan B. Komen Race for the Cure next Sunday, there's still time for either action; see this link for details.
  • The New Yorker Festival schedule is out, and oh, man, I'm missing Jon Stewart, Zadie Smith, Tom Stoppard, and two appearances by my sweet Anthony! Sigh. (Thanks to J. for the news.)
  • Want to procrastinate by reading yet more blogs about children's literature? Fairrosa has a very useful list.
  • I'm organizing a children's literature book group at my church in Brooklyn. The blurb for our first meeting runs as follows:
RELIGION AND CHILDREN'S BOOKS: Reading and Conversation
Modern novels for children and young adults often wrestle with religious and ethical questions in beautifully distilled, remarkably complex forms. We will read one short novel a month as a starting point for our conversations. Possible texts include: Jacob Have I Loved by Katherine Paterson, True Believer by Virginia Euwer Wolff, The Book of Everything by Guus Kuijer, and A Fine White Dust by Cynthia Rylant. We will gather on Sunday afternoons at 3 p.m.; please read Lois Lowry's The Giver for the first meeting on September 24. Readers of all ages are welcome.

I know I (and I'm sure the church) would welcome anyone who would like to attend; leave a comment if you'd like further details.

  • Finally, John Mayer: I'm disappointed in you. You had the opportunity to date a blonde of taste and discretion, and who do you go with instead? A second-rate pop tart who can't tell the difference between chicken and fish. "Bah!" I say to you. "Bah!" And Simpson: You're on notice.

Creating a Cover, and Altering Covers for Creationists

I initiated a discussion on child_lit earlier this week about what makes a good book cover for a middle-grade novel -- "good" meaning popular, pick-uppable, kids-can't-resist-it. Linnea Hendrickson responded with a message praising our cover art for The Book of Everything, and I took the opportunity to demystify the cover-making process (message cross-posted from child_lit):

I hope you all won't mind my writing about a book I edited, but this was actually a great example of how publishers come up with their cover designs. Arthur Levine, my boss; the book's designer, Elizabeth Parisi; and I sat down with a list of key images from the manuscript:
  • the cover of Thomas's notebook (the actual "Book of Everything")
  • the open window Thomas looks through to think
  • the tropical fish in the canals and Thomas's aquarium
  • the frogs
  • the knife and wooden spoon
  • Jesus Christ

As you can see from this list, we felt as Linnea did, that we shouldn't do too much to signal who the characters were or show Thomas's visions; and we quickly settled on having a stark black cover that wouldn't give too much away and might appeal to both adults and children, as we hoped very much that the book's audience would reach beyond the nine-year-old age of its protagonist. (I know Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell was mentioned in our discussion, for both its evocative type design and that strangely chilling raven.) Having a strong title helped us a lot here too -- we didn't want to do anything to undercut its inherent interest or mystery("What does 'Book of Everything' mean? What's in that Book? Who would dare to write it?" etc.) with too much detail.

Once we'd agreed on the concept, Elizabeth went looking for frogs in stock-photo sites, trying to find an intriguing-looking frog who would stand out against the black background, like a jewel you could just reach out and pick up. She used the frog again on the spine, to hook readers looking at the book on a shelf, and drew the title type herself on the computer. Here again we were trying to enhance the mystery of the title: "What does that frog have to do with 'everything'? Why does the title type look like a child's scrawl?" Then the cover went through various rounds of discussion -- with Arthur and me; under the eye of our Creative Director David Saylor; and with Sales and Marketing. The cover changed hardly at all in these stages (though many covers do), and was finally published pretty much as Elizabeth created it.

You can see the American cover here (and read the stunning first two chapters of the manuscript as well); the British cover here, the Australian here, and the original Dutch here. (Incidentally, the original Dutch edition included interior illustrations -- delicate pencil drawings of all the characters and some of Thomas's visions, like the chairs floating off the floor when they listen to Beethoven. They're beautifully done, but again, we wanted to leave things to the imagination . . .)


At the user end of the spectrum, an energetic Swarthmore professor named Colin Purrington has responded to the Cobb County evolution debate, and particularly the infamous stickers used to label biology textbooks that discuss evolution, by creating a multitude of counter-stickers. My favorite: "This sticker covers a pre-existing sticker designed to subtly undermine the teaching of evolution in your class. To see the full text of the original sticker, examine the books of children of school board members, who mandated the stickering." (Via Maud Newton.)

Mail Call

A quick post to say that yesterday and today I sat down and went through all of my submissions mail for the last month, so if you sent me a SQUID since August 1 or thereabouts, you should be getting a reply in the next few days. I didn't keep an exact count, but I think I read through about forty-five letters/manuscripts/chapters, of which I kept or asked to see more material on four. And I felt sorry for those I rejected, as I often do -- but this is yet another way publishing is like falling in love: If there isn't a connection from the beginning, it's best to smile, shake hands, and move on. Many thanks to all of you who shared your work with me.

Six Years Ago Today

I woke up early. I put on my favorite navy blue plaid dress and brown sandals. I had breakfast with Katy in the apartment she was subletting on 23rd St. and 2nd Ave., where I was staying too, and I walked down to the 23rd St. stop of the N/R -- the only subway line on which I felt comfortable -- for the downtown train to Prince St. I exited the station, walked the half-block to 555 Broadway, and for the first time, passed through the doors of Scholastic Inc. as an employee of Arthur A. Levine Books.

This morning, I woke up with the alarm. It was cold and gray, so I wore my usual autumn uniform of black pants, a light shirt, and flats. I ate Raisin Bran at my table while reading the utterly marvelous Tooth and Claw, and took the F train to Broadway-Lafayette -- my home train line, my home station. I walked down Broadway thinking about what needed to be done today: finishing the first-pass corrections to So Totally Emily Ebers, a reject letter for this, a writeup for that. And then I went in and did it all, thanks to the confidence and experience gained through six years of interesting, challenging work.


Sunday, Rainday

I'm supposed to run eight miles today, but, oh darn, it's raining.

Actually I do feel "oh darn" about this, as running has oddly become one of the most consistent and simple pleasures of my life: shorts and a tank, Asics on, earphones in, and then an hour of blessed movement in the park, with the good people of Brooklyn and the music all around me. When I don't run on Sundays now, I feel the same way I feel when I miss church; my life is less rich because I haven't gotten outside it.

It's been a weekend marked by rain, and especially planning for and around it. On Friday a date and I decided to skip the Brooklyn Cyclones game for the Met because of the rainy forecast; we visited my beloved Tiffany room and the roof deck, where we saw "Move Along, Nothing to See Here, a pair of life-size replicas of crocodiles cast in resin, pierced with scissors and knives confiscated at airport security checkpoints." Only in New York, kids. And thanks to the damp conditions Saturday morning, Ben and I waited a mere three hours for tickets to "Mother Courage" at Shakespeare in the Park. I took a jacket, a plastic poncho, and an umbrella to the theatre last night, and thankfully needed none of them: Meryl snorted, kvetched and cavorted, and carried the show and her wagon, untouched by rain.

Good Pictures, Bad Guys, and Pirates

I've finally uploaded most of my photos from my sister's wedding, the Killer Klein Croquet game, the HP tour, and Lumos to my Flickr account here -- all out of order, but up nonetheless. This picture of Melissa, Emerson, and me was taken at the Los Angeles B&N after our final Scholastic podcast, when we were all exhausted and happy. (N.B.: Melissa is wearing a Harry and the Potters shirt that says, "This guitar is a Horcrux.")


Todd Alcott, a screenwriter and very clever man (he made the "Tools for Writers" cartoon linked below), has a wonderful post today on Bad Guy Plots. And Betsy renders great first lines of children's literature into Pirate Speak. To which I'll add: "I ben accused o' bein' anal retentive, an overachiever, an' a compulsive perfectionist, like them be bad things." Hee.

T. S. Eliot on Writing: Three Selections from "Four Quartets"

Words strain,
Crack and sometimes break, under the burden,
Under the tension, slip, slide, perish,
Decay with imprecision, will not stay in place,
Will not stay still. Shrieking voices
Scolding, mocking, or merely chattering,
Always assail them.
-- "Burnt Norton," 1935

And so each venture
Is a new beginning, a raid on the inarticulate
With shabby equipment always deteriorating
In the general mess of imprecision of feeling,
Undisciplined squads of emotion.
And what there is to conquer
By strength and submission, has already been discovered
Once or twice, or several times, by men whom one cannot hope
To emulate—but there is no competition—
There is only the fight to recover what has been lost
And found and lost again and again: and now, under conditions
That seem unpropitious. But perhaps neither gain nor loss.
For us, there is only the trying. The rest is not our business.
-- "East Coker," 1940

What we call the beginning is often the end
And to make an end is to make a beginning.
The end is where we start from. And every phrase
And sentence that is right (where every word is at home,
Taking its place to support the others,
The word neither diffident nor ostentatious,
An easy commerce of the old and the new,
The common word exact without vulgarity,
The formal word precise but not pedantic,
The complete consort dancing together)
Every phrase and sentence is an end and a beginning,
Every poem an epitaph.
-- "Little Gidding," 1942

Self-Pity Post: Whinny and Whine

I ran seven miles tonight -- seven blessed, freaking miles -- the longest distance I've run since the Marathon last year, and a damn sight less fun. My knees hurt. My stomach hurts. Odd muscles on the outside of my thighs hurt. I just want to lie on my bed and stare into space and emit small moans.

(Moan. Moan.)

I'm fine, really, of course, and heaven knows I'm the one who's choosing to put myself through this -- per my Resolutions, I'm training for a half-marathon on October 1. And the training is going well; I'm actually ahead of schedule. I am also eating like a horse, though I'm not sure if this is because my metabolism is changing or I'm just giving myself license to pig out given how much I'm exercising.

(Moan. Whinny. Oink. Moan.)

Nonetheless, I am taking advantage of one of my four Self-Pity Posts* for 2006 to note my stiff ankles and sore neck and tight back and general exhaustion. And I have to go to work tomorrow, and my apartment isn't very clean, and I have a zit on my chin, and I'm editing a dissertation about medieval pilgrims, and I'm losing in my digital Scrabble game, and, and . . .

Do I have anything else to whine about? Not really. But for good measure:

Moan. Moan. Moan.
* A little-known fact of the Blogger terms of service: Each blogger is allowed four Self-Pity Posts (SPPs) per year, wherein said blogger can whine, scream, kick, pout, make stupid faces, and complain to his/her heart's comfort. Commenters who sympathize can earn an additional SPP for their own blogs; commenters who deplore such behavior in a grown-up get a tongue stuck out at them. Phbbbt.