Another Terrific Editorial Christmas Present

A few years ago, my dear friend Katy gave me the best pair of gloves any story-lover could desire. This year, Gbemi Rhuday-Perkovich came through with my favorite editorial present. In her Eighth-Grade Superzero, one of the characters takes "THE GODSON" as his D.J. name ("It's like 'The Godfather' -- junior division -- 'Godson' -- get it?"). When I hit this line while I was line-editing, I loved it so much that, in a fit of editorial goofiness -- which, my authors can attest, come over me fairly often -- I wrote my own D.J. name in the margins for Gbemi's amusement. And thanks to this awesome shirt she made for me, now the world can know . . . I am . . .


You know, this may also be my professional wrestling name. My motto: "Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair." Because quoting Shelley is how I roll, as The Editrix. Hee.

Thanks again, Gbemi!